So I'm having a surgery on my knee tomorrow which means that I'm not able to answer my phone or any e-mails for a couple of days. But it's all for a good cause because after this operation I shouldn't be dealing with constant dislocations with my knee. Yes, it's gross. And I've always put the knee back in it's place myself. Considering I've done this dozens of times, you may guess that a) it's painful and b) that I've been afraid to do normal things (such as running) because my knee can dislocate itself even if I'm just walking (which happened this summer and which caused the chain of events that has lead me to finally getting surgery).
I was going to blog you about makeup but this day sort of flew by as I've been obsessing about tomorrow. So I'm going to share some of the stuff I'm taking with me.
Adorable skull slippers by ing00te (Etsy)
I was told to bring my own slippers to the hospital. I didn't own a pair so of course I rummaged through Etsy until I found ing00te and her lovely felted designs. These were partly custom-made as I wanted the roses to be purple (of course). If you want snuggly, non-slipping felted slippers then Inga is your kind of woman. She's a Lithuanian designer and felt artist who's both friendly and professional. Her works have been displayed in felt exhibitions.
I'm not packing any makeup with me because that would be too much of a hassle. My Anya Hindmarch bag is packed with cleansers, face lotions, toothbrush and toothpaste. I'm also taking my Haus of Gloi sugar scrub in Elevenses with me. I hate hospital smell. As wearing a perfume isn't encouraged, I need something to distract my nose from the smell of chemicals and old people.
Of course, I need a book. So I'm taking the Finnish translation of the Lord of the Rings with me. I've also packed the felted sleeves I got as a gift from Inga to keep me warm, my Aromaleigh Candy Cane lipbalm to keep my lips soft and smooth (and a bit sparkly) and my ugly doll.
I'm also packing some other stuff but since I don't think you'll be interested in my choice of undies, I'll leave them at your imagination :) I was about to pack my painkillers with me until I realized that the hospital will probably have a sufficient supply of those when I need them...
Well, I need to get some sleep because I need to wake up at 5am or so. Wish me luck :)
Best of luck with your surgery. I hope your recovery will be fast!
I love you ugly doll. I have an ugly doll key ring, and it's so cute and ugly at the same time.
I hope your surgery goes well and that your recover is quick and easy :)
Thanks, Pixie :)
Ugly dolls are adorable. I chose mine because of the vague resemblance to myself :D
Thanks, Michelle :)
Good luck twin!! I'll miss you and be thinking of you!! At least you won't have to relocate your own knee anymore *shudder*
Let us know asap that everything went well! I'm worried already ugh!!
PS...Those slippers are badass! You'll be the cutest girl in the recovery ward XD
Good luck to you!!! :D
Lisa Kate: Thanks, lil'twin :) I'm about to leave for the hospital, I ate a spoonful of honey for breakfast because I'm not allowed to eat anything else... Haha, my slippers will beat the hell out of other slippers XD
Thia: Thank you :)
Good luck with your surgery, I hope you have a quick and (relatively) painless surgery :)
I spent the day in hospital today, and I can kinda empathise on the knee situation - I have hypermobile joints so I'm always popping things and making bones go places they arent supposed to go D:
Good luck beautiful. xxx
Hope the Ugly Doll keeps you company :)
You're in my thoughts. *hug* Positive thoughts your way.
Those slippers are too cute! I hope you are feeling well :)
Hugs and kisses hon'! When your knee has healed, I'm gonna take you out dancing!
Thank you all :) I'm back home but I'm really hurting. They had to do a bigger op for me because of some anatomical issues and they basically removed a chunk of bone, did something with my hamstrings and put some steel screws in to my bones. I'm posting really morbid pics in a day or two but now I just need my drugs and some rest.
I feel tons better knowing that you were sending happy thoughts my way. Thanks you! *hugs and kisses*
I CANNOT imagine what that must be like -- putting your knee back in yourself??? How scary and painful is that? You're one brave gal!
jo.frougal: It's painful. And gross. But there wasn't really an option everytime it happened. I hope I never have to do it again!
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