Saturday, 15 May 2010

MAC Tissueweight swatches

My dear and lovely Welsh blogger friend Chloe was kind enough to get me the much-coveted MAC Tissueweight eyeshadow. Thank you, Chloe! She also sent me and my boyfriend some yummy chocolate treats which I ate all by myself. My boyfriend didn't even get to see the wrappers.

I wanted to swatch this delicate beauty to you all (and to Chloe since she was debating whether to send it to me or keep to herself, lol). Tissueweight is a frost eyeshadow so it has that lovely shiny finish. I've swatched it only over TFSI (I use epoxy only with loose pigments).

This first pic was taken outdoors. Look at it glow. I'm sure I'll be using this a lot this spring/summer. It looks lovely combined with darker shades but it's light enough to use as a highlighter, too.

This pic was taken indoors. Drool. Nothing more to say really. This is what delicate, light shades should look like: simple but not bland.

Do you have Tissueweight in your stash?